Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hot off the Press

Tourist Spaceship Design Unveiled

SpaceShipTwo—about the size of an executive jet—is planned to begin ferrying passengers into space within a couple of years, say officials from space tourism firm Virgin Galactic.

The image “http://www.cardozo.yu.edu/life/spring1999/wigs/group-of-judges.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

EU Court Places Online Privacy
Above the Outing of Pirates

Film studios and record labels cannot demand that internet
providers turn over the names of customers suspected of
illegally downloading movies or music.

Did Columbus Bring

Syphilis to Europe?

Famed explorer Christopher Columbus and
his crew unleashed the scourge of syphilis on
Europe, a new genetic study suggests, though
some experts say the data is not conclusive.

Chameleon colour not to blend in

Chameleons first used colour change to
make them more noticeable rather than,
as is popularly believed, to blend in, a
study suggests.

The reptiles change colour for a variety
of purposes -communication, camouflage
and temperature control.

However, the reason why they first
evolved this ability to flash bright colours
was previously unclear.

Scientists report in the journal Plos
Biology that it was to allow them to
signal to other chameleons.

Co-author Dr Devi Stuart-Fox, from
The University ofMelbourne, Australia,
told BBC News: "[Our research] suggests
that chameleons evolved colour change
for signalling, to fend off rivals or
attract a mate, and not so they could
match a greater variety of backgrounds."

Asteroidto Whiz by Earth Next Week

An asteroid at least 500-feet-long
(152-meters-long) will make a rare close
pass byEarth next week—but there is
no chance of an impact, scientists
reported Thursday.

Entire Synthetic Genome Created

In an important step toward the creation
of synthetic life, scientists have synthesized and stitched together the genetic material
of a simple bacterium.

Marijuana vending machines in US

Vending machines distributing the drug marijuana are to begin operating in the US state of Califo

The machines can only be used by people who have been prescribed the drug for health reasons.

Patients will have to provide a prescription, and be fingerprinted and photographed before being allowed to use the facilities.

Eleven US states allow the medicinal use of marijuana, primarily for pain relief, but it remains controversial.

Vince Mehdizadeh, owner of the Herbal Nutrition Centre in Los Angeles, where one of the two first machines is based, said it would allow patients to buy extra supplies whenever needed.

Urine Test

Like Most people in this country, I have a job. I work, they pay me.? I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test with which I have no problem. What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test. Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them? Please understand, I have no problem with helping
people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their ASS, getting high, while I work. . . Can you imagine how much money the country would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check?

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

El Estranjero Originale

Earlier today, it was January 21, but as of now, it is Tuesday, the 22, 2:04am. They will certainly be pleased to read the numbers one and four next to one another, followed by a little f, lit up in electric green on the LCD display of my vehicle. But it’s a warm 14 degrees. Tolerable. I’ve been more uncomfortable on windy days in the 30’s. Shit, I’m outside righting this write now. Krust, the one-eyed cat is sniffin and rubbin all up on me as I write and try to keep my cigarette from putting his other eye out. Oh yeah, If anybody out there is missing a big black and white cat, de-clawed, fixed, one eye, flea collar holler. foundurcat@gmail.com. For real yo, he needs to find his way home. He found the cat-door at my house and moved in on Xmas eve. He hasn’t left yet and hasn’t been paying rent and eats all the food, so it’d be nice if I could find his real owner. Today was stable and semi productive. Some reading. Some writing. Some correspondence. Some errands. Today The Rat propositioned me with an offer too enticing to refuse. A terribly sad song by Colplay is randomly chosen for me by the itunes. The sounds emanating from the speakers littered about the room have now decimated what little train of thought I was working with and thrust me elsewhere. The song, “Lights will guide you home…” Seemingly out of nowhere I feel something in my eye. A tear wants badly to form in the corner of the now red and tired crusted left eye. I don’t allow it. Then he sings, as if on cue, “The tears stream down your face when you lose something you can not replace…” Squarepusher’s Iambic9 Poetry brings me back to the present and the aforementioned topic. The Rat has passed me a microphone and invited me to be one of the voices of the soon to eat the world Crushed Linen Corporation. Perhaps an ingenious bit of thinking on his part, perhaps not. We shall wait. We shall see. Nevertheless, The Original Stranger sent on a mission to touch the masses. A journey that may possibly enlighten some, intrigue a few and probably confuse a great handful that stumble unwittingly into the path of the poisoned pen. So much to contribute, so much to share with the populace. Best get started then. The time has come to shed some light. Not too much. Just some. Start spreading the gospel of Lurkology. Teach the children about Lurkophelia and the Crevice Art movement along with its origins. Discuss exemplary examples of crevice artists; musicians, writers, painters, skateboarders and other great thinkers throughout history that find themselves snuggled at home in that genre, find themselves at home in that way of life. Together we can start the world’s first Lurxionary, or glossary of terms used heavily by lurkers and crevice artists the world over. Simply magnificent indeed. Not certain what words will pour from my brains and onto your screens in the future as of the present, but so long as I remain free of the shackles of censorship and my words are read, I will continue to write them. Possibilities are without limit indeed. I’m honored, having been given the opportunity to contribute anything to an organization of such extraordinary magnitude as Crushed Linen Clothing. Closing on a bit of a stranger note, leaving you with a tidbit. A tiny, infinitesimal morsel of my cerebellum to taste. To either savor genuinely or spit out in utter disgust, until the next time. Hopefully it tickles your fancy some. If not, find someone else to tickle that thing.

Until then,

Yours in ambiguity,

The Original Stranger

“Ode to the Booger Scab”

I have one of those excruciating and wonderful booger-scabs. You know, those fleshy little tidbits that hurt so dreadfully, yet are so darn amusing for the picker to pick. At times, you just can’t wait long enough for them to be restored to health. Yet when the time comes that they finally do heal, you miss them ever so fiendishly and envision the day. The day you will, at long last, be finally blessed with a fresh, unsullied and brand spanking new booger scab to extract. Oh, booger scab! Its been, to a certain extent, a pleasurable week together, but I’m troubled by the notion that if we carry on with this relationship, one of us is certainly going to get injured. We must stop. Discontinue. Bring this to a halt at once. Not look back. Not now, not ever. Before it gets too late. Before…before…before one of us gets infected. It will be arduous I know. Oh, I know, I’ll miss you too. Miss you ever so dearly. But have faith, when have I ever steered you wrong? Trust me, its what’s best for the both of us. Or maybe just for me I thought. Oh sweet, syrupy, delightful yellow, crusty reddish booger scab, just let go. Give your heart a chance to grow. It’s a shame for us to part, yet I’m certain our paths will eventually cross again and we will, once again enjoy a week or three of pick and flick and bleed. That’s the crevice indeed.

“Ode to the Booger Scab”

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Congratulations to the New York Football Giants


Although our hearts are reserved for Gang Green, we still got love for the G-Men.
Eli and the rest of the boys are off to war against the evil New England Patriots. February 3rd will surely go down as "The Chowderrrrr Bowl." With momentum on their side, The New York Giants set out to prove Manhattan truly is the better flavor.


(respect to Brett Farve for a great game and for being the classiest O.G in the league)

Monday, January 14, 2008



This is most def one of my favorite "Snoop" scene's from "The Wire". This shit is serious. Snoop is a bad bitch!